Members || Mitglieder

Former Chairs || Ehemalige Vorsitzende

2021 - 2025: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Minnameier
2017 - 2021: Prof. Dr. Richard Sturn
2013 - 2017: Prof. Dr. Ingo Pies
2009 - 2013: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Neck
2005 - 2009: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Buchholz
2003 - 2005: Prof. Dr. Udo Ebert
1999 - 2003: Prof. Dr. Volker Arnold
1995 - 1999: Prof. Dr. Wulf Gaertner
1993 - 1995: Prof. Dr. Hans G. Nutzinger
1989 - 1993: Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl Homann

Members of the Committee
How to Become a Member

Are you interested in joining our committee? Then please feel free to contact us. For the regulations see the statute of our committee.